5 Foods that Improve Oral Hygiene

Here are five foods that you can indulge in that promote oral hygiene:

1.       Strawberries contain an enzyme called malic acid, which can be found in some whitening toothpastes. Strawberries also contain fiber that can act as a natural cleaner by removing bacteria from your teeth and mouth.

2.     Apples, celery and carrots can act as natural stain removers. They increase saliva which is an in-built cleaning agent for your mouth. Apples, celery and carrots also contain Vitamin C which prevents gum disease and gingivitis, and kills odor causing bacteria.

3.     Oranges, pineapples and lemons also produce saliva which helps keep your mouth clean. Lemons in particular are good for whitening of teeth: in the same way that lemon acts as a bleach for hair, lemons can brighten the whiteness of your teeth. Lemon juice diluted with water can be used a mouth rinse. However do not use lemon juice on its own, as the undiluted acidity can damage your teeth.

4.     Yoghurt, Milk and Cheese are high in lactic acid which prevents gum disease. Dairy products such as yoghurt, milk and cheese are also high in vitamin D and calcium which are good for your teeth and bones, including your jaw bone.

5.     Baking Soda is an acid neutralizer that can gently remove stains and build enamel. It is often used in a number of toothpastes. Baking soda can be used not more than twice a month to brush your teeth and this will help clean and whiten your teeth.